Toby & Emma Wedding Pix

02 July 2024

Unforgettable Douro - Scenic Azure - Day 5


Day 5 – Tuesday 2 July 2024 

 Around 8:45 we pulled out into the river to let a Tauck boat to moor to the river bank as we rafted on the outside of them, so we retained our river view.


Irritatingly the front of Scenic Azure's sun deck is barred to passengers.



There were various on board entertainments but we missed them all as we were taking in the beauty of cruising the Douro.


Around 11:00 we moved off up river to Vega de Terrón. It was an all day sailing, passing through two huge locks and we arrived before the expected 20:15. This is the furthest the boats go. The other bank is Spain.


We weren’t rafted and our cabin faced the river


Overnight Location: Vega de Terrón

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