Toby & Emma Wedding Pix

18 August 2024

Romantic Rhine & Moselle - Kaiserstuhl

 Day14 – Saturday 18 August 2024


When we woke the boat was moored at Breisach, rafted on portside to Avalon Vista which luckily had its exit at the same level as ours so we could walk through their reception.


This was in an industrial area some 15 minutes walk from Breisach town.


Our policy on excursions is that, unless it was to somewhere we really wanted to go, we’d pick wine tastings or the latest departing excursion. Kaiserstuhl wine tasting was also the latest departing of three excursions at 09:30.


The coach took a scenic route, making a stop on high so we could get out to look at a vine clad valley below. But drizzle and low cloud obscured the view then a heavy burst of rain sent us back to the coach.


The tasting was at Oberbergen cooperative in Kaiserstull The co-operative was founded after WW I because grape growers couldn’t afford winemaking equipment of their own. Then every village had its own cooperative to which every grape grower belonged, now there are 15-20% private wineries.


 Oberbergen’s buildings are on either side of the road and a foot tunnel connects them.


We tasted

Oberbergen Baßgeige Muller Thurgau Trocken  2023 QbA

Oberbergen Baßgeige Grauer Burgunder Kabinett Trocken 2023 QbA (Pinot Gris)

Oberbergen Baßgeige Spatburgunder 2022 QbA (Pinot Noir)


The wines ranged in price from €5.45 to €7.45 a bottle. The wines were bland, the red had been sweetened and I did not ‘understand it’.


The Kaiserstull region gets its name from German King Otto III who conquered Italy to become the Holy Roman Emperor.





The boat departed for Basel at 14:50




Truffle Scented Chicken Casserole



Veal Stew 'Zurich Style'


Aargauer Rueblitorte



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