Toby & Emma Wedding Pix

29 June 2024

Unforgettable Douro - Scenic Azure - Day 2

 Day 2 – Saturday 29 June 2024

During the night we’d changed places with Emerald Radiance. Now our cabin looked out towards the bank. The Emerald Radiance seems to be the same design outside, but was fitted differently inside.

A walking tour left at 08:40, led by Cruise Director Filipe Nunes. We had to cross the Douro to Vila Nova de Gaia by ferry. But as we were too early Filipe took us on a gruelling walk up and down back streets. When we got to the traditional style Rabello boat used as ferries they were rafted and I couldn’t cross over the gap between the high sided boats, so returned to the boat.

At 15:00 I joined a Tile Making class led by Maria Kocas, who we were told was a famous maker of traditional tiles. We could draw freehand or use a supplied template. We painted our design in blue paint; texture was given by washing with thinned paint. I was quite please with my finished tile and we were promised the fired tiles would be delivered to us when we returned to Porto at the end of the cruise. Unfortunately this didn’t happen, and I returned home tile-less.

Slow cooked Beef Tenderloin for dinner

At 16:30  Scenic Azure left its mooring and arrived at Entre-os-Rios about 20:00

Overnight Location: Entre-os-Rios

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